Frequently Asked Questions


The technology of UV disinfection uses a translucent lamp that emits UV radiateon which is created inside the lamp by arc between the two filaments of the lamp. This electronic arc is vaporizing a bead of mercury inside the lamp, and once the mercury is used up, the lamp will only shine blueish, but not emit UV rays any more so it will have to be replaced. Our UV lamps are rated for a lifetime of 11,000 hours, which is a bit more than 1 year for a light that is on all the time 24/7/365.
Not every household is the same, so we have to look at a few parameters that determine the size of the whole home water tratment system: 1) flow rate, 2) square footage and 3) people living in the house Once you have calculated the house flow rate requirements, go by this table to pick the proper whole home water treatment system for your household up to 4 GPM - smaller household up to 3 people, under 2000 sq.ft. - SYS250-POU up to 8 GPM - average medium household up to 6 people, 2000 - 3000 sq. ft. - SYS700-POU up to 14 GPM - larger household up to 10 people over 3000 sq.ft. - SYS1400-POU, SYS3000-POU
Filter change frequency can be quite subjective and depends on how much work the filters are required to do (what is the relative quality of your water source?). Whole home UV systems will require new filters at least twice a year and more frequently if the water is of questionable quality and clarity. Carbon filters should be changed if and when you notice a change in taste or odor in the water, and changed more frequently if you have additional concerns such as chlorine and other contaminants.
The lifespan of the water treatment system is varied. The filter housings are said to have a lifetime of 5-7 years by the manufacturer, which is low by our experience. We have customers with 30 year old systems that still work well. The UV part of the system has a lifespan of at least 1 generation.

Water Quality and Contaminants

A balance of minerals in your drinking water is generally a good thing for health. When some minerals are in excess concentration (for example iron) they may be addressed with additional water treatment equipment. Generally calcium is more of an aesthetic issue in water quality rather than one of healthy water. Calcium may precipitate in your plumbing system as hard or scale-like deposits and can be quite unsightly. Contact us with your water quality report for further information.
Our filters will remove some fluoride but not all. For elevated levels, extra treatment can be added
Having the water softener in your rotation will still benefit you, especially if you live in an area with hard water.
We have a special filter that filters out lead. (PBMax) Fluoride is filtered out a little but not fully. For elevated levels, extra filtration can be added
Our filters will remove most of the chlorine and some fluoride. For elevated levels, extra filtration can be added.



The warranty for the UV sterilizer against manufacturing defects is 5 years, and the UV lamp carries a pr-rated warranty of 1 year.
